

第1个回答  2013-04-17
The customs of marriage is a national/ethical sharing mindset forming in the long-term marriage activities accepted and respected by the society. There are 56 ethnic groups living in the vast land of China and each has its own unique customs of marriage. Even in the same group, customs differ from area to area, which makes Chinese customs of marriage variable and colorful. The custom of marriage among Tujia people is marked with distinctive nationality characteristics.It relates to each respect of social life of the Tuji and also reflects the profound cultural psychology of Tujia people. The objective of this article is to describe the wedding ceremony of the Tujia, analyze the cultural psychology contained in the ceremony and attempt to conduct a tentative exploration to the unique culture of the Tujia through the wedding ceremony.

纯手工翻译,我在网上查不到“行婚礼”的资料,所以就用了婚礼仪式wedding ceremony
第2个回答  2013-04-25
Marriage, is a nation in the formation of long-term marriage activities in the common mode of concept, this model can be accepted by the society and respected. The vast land of China on a live 56 nationalities, each nation has its own unique marriage customs, as a nation, because the distribution of the different regions, the marriage customs are also different, which makes the marriage customs in China presents the characteristics of colorful, blew. Marriage customs of Tujia nationality has distinct national characteristics. Covering all aspects of Tujia social life, but also reflects the Tujia deep cultural psychology. The purpose of this paper is to describe the Tujia "wedding ceremony", cultural psychology contains analysis of the "wedding ceremony", and try to study the "wedding ceremony of" make to culture unique Tujia tentative.
第3个回答  2013-05-01
The customs of marriage is a national/ethical sharing mindset forming in the long-term marriage activities accepted and respected by the society. There are 56 ethnic groups living in the vast land of