描写关于嘉兴南湖的英语作文.字数120个左右 高中水平


第1个回答  2012-12-12
South Lake is a scenic lake located in the South of Jiaxing. It covers an area of 0.54 square kilometers. It is also known as "Mandarin Duck Lake" due to the lake's shape. It is a frequent destination of tourists and sightseers. Alongside the lake are the ruins of the Misty Rain Tower which was built in the 10th century. In the following years, a group of ancient garden-style architectures emerged around it. The first national congress of the Communist Party of China was transferred from Shanghai to Jiaxing in 1921. The final agenda was carried out in a pleasure boat on South Lake. The birth of the party was declared here. It is therefore considered by the Chinese to be one of the most important sacred places of the revolution. (131字)本回答被网友采纳