
one:我的爱好是唱歌,唱歌可以使我的心情变好。我希望用不同类型不同风格的歌曲去表达自己的不同情绪,而不是用言语去表达。听歌可以使我从紧张的工作和学习中得到身心和脑力的放松。我喜爱音乐,不仅仅是音乐本身,更是音乐带给我的心灵和灵魂的双重愉悦。。。 two:我最好的兄弟叫浩子,他是我的大学同班同学。他2是我的学习和生活中的最好伙伴.她的性格很好,学习很用功,和他在一起有聊不完的话题,可以从复变函数聊到娱乐八卦。我喜欢这种感觉。有的时候他也会犯一些傻,有的时候像个孩子一样蛮有趣的。我喜欢和他在一起的感觉。。。

第1个回答  2012-12-19
I have favor in singing, in that it makes me feel nice. I prefer the varied style of sangs which represent me diffrent tempers rather than words. Listenning to music fres my physical and celerabal(头脑的,你查一下,我忘了怎么拼) conditions from both sthdy and work .I love music, not only because of the music itself, but also the double pleasure it brought to my soul.(一般不会把灵魂和心灵都说出来)追问


第2个回答  2012-12-19
【The first】
My hobby is singing, singing can make me feel better. I want to use different types of different songs to express different emotions, not the words to say. Listening to music can make me from the stressful work and learning to be physical and mental relaxation. I like music, not only the music itself, music brings me more is the heart and soul of the double pleasure...
【The second】
My best brother called Yoonho, he is my university classmate. He 2 is my study and life in the best partners. Her character is very good, study hard, together with him in a chat with a never-ending topic, from the complex variable function to entertainment. I love this feeling. Sometimes he will also make some silly, sometimes like a child quite interesting. I like the feeling with him...追问



so ,you can take a good example for me at first ,, I`ll be all ears ........

第3个回答  2012-12-19
I am crazy in singing, it makes me excited. I wish i could express my personal emotion in different syles and different kinds of music rather than using my speach. Listening to the musci can push me out of the pressure in daily working and studying. I love music, not only the melody or the lyrics, but also the enjoyment of comprehending the essence that music bring to me.
My best friend is Haozi who is my classmate in the uni. He is the best mate in my daily life. He got a greate character. He is hard working and there is continuously topics between our chatting. I love this feeling, sometimes he is a little bit silly and sometimes he is funny like a kid. I love the feeling that stay with him, he is my bro.