求一篇英语作文 题目为“my major is medicine” 各种感谢 100+词就行了 谢谢大侠!!


第1个回答  2012-12-08
My major is medicine
If you ask me,what is my major?I will tell you it is medicine,without any hesitation.
Because it is a work which can help the
people to get rid of the pain from the disease.And it is a job,which is called
White angle by people.A sense of achieve-ment was engendered,when I saw people cured , living happily with their families,after my treatment.So I think it is a great job.I am so proud that my major is medicine.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-08
When I was a child,I worshiped doctors for they cured patients and the white coats made them honorble.So I chose medicine as my major when I entranced the univerdity And now I become a graduate after a five-years learning.The undergraduate study make me belive the medicine is the most meanningful job because it can not only make people healthy ,but make our coutry keep up with the progressing development.Whatsmore,majored in medicine make me a reponsible and liable person.