globalization 和mordenization 给人们带来什么好处

any body?

第1个回答  2008-05-01
Since the 1960s, a lot of Western scholars began to pay attention and research goods
Dollar States) bad problem. With the United States and the hegemonic position of the decline of Wu, Wu, the internationalization of
Forward, blowing Island and monetary integration and the success of Wu as a blow to the International Monetary
Now, the issue of the International Monetary arch) played a more and more interest in academics. For what
The currency to become an international currency, as well as the international currency of the wood States and other countries
What will the impact of such issues, they were from different angles has conducted in-depth
First, the meaning of international currency
For the meaning of the international monetary, Cohen (1971) from the dry functions of the currency angle
Definition of the international monetary, in his view the International Monetary function is to function in the domestic currency
From the expansion. When the private sector and officials of a variety of institutions for the purpose of a
To extend the use of money to a country other than the currency issue, the currency on the development of the country
Inter-currency levels. Harhr) nn C L998) further development of the Cohen C L971) of
Definition of the different functions of the International Monetary were classified. He believes that: the payment of
Means, the International Monetary in international trade and capital transactions by private wood for direct shipment
Currency exchange and two other currencies indirect exchange between the media currency was also an official of --
F the market for the sector stem from the top and balanced international payments tool. As accounting units,
International Monetary be used for trade in goods and financial transactions at the G); was an official of the department with
To determine f rate parity (f rate pegged as "the anchor"). As the value of storage, he
By the private sector choose to apply financial assets, such as the table is not non-residents of the bond holders, depositors
Of the loan value. The official sector with the International Monetary and its G) price of financial assets
As reserve assets.
What is the currency of international «there is not a clear definition. Harhr) nn
C 1998) that when a country's currency is the currency of the issue outside the country of the person or machine
Frame accepted and used for the exchange of media, accounting units and value of storage means, the Guohuo
International currency began. As of goods and capital-market integration, most industrial
Of the currency of the country at present to some extent are internationalized. However, I (IJ, which this currency
The international level there are considerable differences, only a few of the implementation of multi-currency
Weight of a private and official functions. I (IJ because of network transactions into wood and the spillover effects exist,
Only a) to the International Monetary other than the implementation of the International Monetary much
Functions. Mondale (2003) that when the currency in circulation Fan Wei l] beyond the statutory regional circulation,
Or the currency of the scores of other areas were doubled or imitate, the currency on the international.
Tavlas (1997) that the above definition was too broad. He believes that when a currency in the absence of
The issue of participation in the currency in international transactions as accounting units, the exchange of media and price
Value storage means, the currency on the international. Wood, the Ministry of Finance (1999) to Japan
Wu international BU is defined as: increased overseas transactions and international finance on the use of the Wu
Proportion of the non-resident holdings of the Japan-Wu G) at the proportion of the assets, in particular to
Wu, high in the international monetary system and to enhance the role of regular trading on Wu, funding
F-transactions and foreign reserves position.
Second, the international monetary conditions
In the international economy, the demand factor in deciding what kind of money being used in the process
Play an important role, not prisoners of supra-national force with the power to a single currency, which this issue is on the market from all the countries of the public and private agents
The decisions and actions by the decision. The choice of the international monetary market conditions, the West
One of the scholars from different angles were analyzed.
1, this analysis to a few scholars) as an international medium of exchange conditions,
To currency conversion transactions into the wood-based research side)
St oboda (1969) that if there is no international exchange of media, different currency areas,
Trade between the different countries only to the implementation of the currency, dealers have many needs
Different monetary transactions, he had a lot of cash balances, carrying 10%
Wood great. Karl Brunner and A11an1V) ltzer (197D of the currency exchange
Associate linked to that standard optimal currency areas can be used to explain why the international TAC
Yi and investors choice in cross-border transactions in a particular international currency. Optimal goods
Dollar standards in the area of inflation, trade integration and the level of financial markets developed
Can help explain why a currency to be used as the l bad accounting units, the exchange of media and
Value storage means. Other standards also help explain the International Monetary use for them-)
This shows that a country can be vulnerable to external shocks arising from the real f rate fluctuations
The degree of impact. This susceptible to the effects of external shocks than the currency of the country that this
Vulnerable to external shocks of the currency of the country will experience the true f smaller rate changes.
Dyer Jr. And Lothian (2002) use a wide range of time in a law,
Investigation of the international monetary history, from 5-7 century Constantine "Empire of the Pui-ting
Gold Coin solidus or bezant and #) 12) t1 appear in a JI l River拉伯the dinar, to
1? R15 Ji-an Italian city-state of the international monetary genoin, flori shrimp, ducato,
From the 17th century Dutch guilders (guilder), to the modern customs pounds and U.S. Wu. Found that: States
Inter-currency has five key features: CL) high unit value; C 2) relative to the time
The inflation rate (3)) to the economic, trade power distribution, (4) Issue
State-owned developed financial markets, (5) the International Monetary human behavior is the emergence of choice
Results I (IJ human G) is not zoned results. Not an international currency due to the emergence of
People want to create a new international currency, as their currency as is the role of
Over time I (IJ gradually been accepted.
Mondale (2003) that a country's currency to become an international currency depends on the people
Confidence in the currency stability, liu in turn depends on the Sichuan-hl: c 1> the currency in circulation
Or the scale of regional transactions; C z) stable monetary policy; C 3) does not control, (4)
Sub-country strong and durable wood body and the reduction of monetary value. He believes that goods
Currency as a public good, has an inherent scale, Fan Wei) economy. The market breadth, depth
Is a measure of a currency using economies of scale and Fan Wei l] the economic level, the regional circulation
, The monetary ability to deal with the impact of the stronger.
Third, the impact of international currency
For the international currency of the impact on economic policy issues, Triffin (1961) most
H_ cloth-chou of the Bretton Woods system of divination, the United States Wu bear the responsibility of the two, that is, guarantee
Wu according to official U.S. dollar price of gold, countries the United States to maintain the confidence of Wu and liquidity (that is,
U.S. Wu) is between the conflicting. A1 fiber (1964), Bergsten (1975) identified
Wu for the United States as the world's key currencies and not only temporary, "Triffin dilemma", I (IJ Wu and the U.S.
A decrease of the international role of the United States to implement an independent monetary policy and the use of currency depreciation policy
Capacity. When the United States to implement expansionary monetary policy, U.S. interest rates lead to drop Bu -
Wood outflow of domestic austerity, but did not improve. Of course, open economic conditions BU,
Any one country's monetary policy will be funding the impact of the movement of wood, in the end there
The number of prisoners for the currency impact is the international role it «difficult to be precise death). They are (
Wu that the U.S. is to strengthen the international role of the United States monetary policy difficulties. Another
And one of the United States and the international role of Wu restricted the use of currency depreciation in the U.S. policy. If the United States
Wu depreciation of the U.S. policy, as Wu's international role of the United States, other countries will be the same
The ratio of depreciation of their currencies I (IJ Wu offset by the depreciation of the United States, the United States should not and can not devalue
U.S. Wu.
Balbach and Resler (1980) justified the use of accounts and money multiplier method to prove that the US-l-huan Wu Chau transactions affected by a Bank of America debt and foreign business
Bank of demand deposits in U.S. banks, and indirectly affected the U.S. currency in stock. To (
l Zhou Huan Wu U.S. market transactions on the Fed does not control the money supply capacity to pose a serious
Granville rib,.
TavaLas C1998) that the use of international currencies into wood to be reflected in the) (1)
F pegged rate system BU, foreigners preferred transfer could lead to a large number of capital-flow,
Undermine the basis of the monetary authorities to control the currency and the capacity of domestic economic activity, (2)
BU f floating rate system, this shift led to significant changes in the rate of f, may also limit
The monetary authorities of the ability of domestic policy.
Otani (2002) Women, a non-exhibition of the Betts II Devereux (2000) the theory of sub -
On the international transmission of monetary policy by domestic and foreign enterprises to the non-symmetrical G) price summary
The impact of policies. Otani found on the wood as if the wood States, East Asia as foreign, when the
Wu, the use of international expansion, if there is a high percentage of wood on the selection F) F Enterprise Pricing
And the high proportion of East Asian enterprises choose LGP pricing, on-the monetary expansion to the East Asian economies
Will have a positive impact on (economic welfare measure), I (IJ monetary expansion in East Asia-Japan
Almost no impact or a negative affect. The prisoners, as if, Wu G) price goods
Expand the use of currency, the wood on the external impact of monetary policy will be even greater. )-I (IJ, when
He wood on the implementation of monetary policy may be asked to East Asia into account.
For the welfare of the international currency effects, A1 fiber (1964), Bergsten
(1975) that the International Monetary issued by the State-issued currency for the international balance of payments Chek
The word financing o Bergsten (1975), Tavalas (1998) that with a currency of international
The use of expansion, make loans, investment and goods and services will be through the purchase of the goods
Currency issuance of the financial institutions, the financial sector earnings will increase. Aliber
(1964, CohenC 197v, BergstenC 1975), TavaLas (1998) that
Issue of the International Monetary countries access to international Mint income, to the great (Seigniorage
By the small number of prisoners of the impact. Cohen (1971) that issued the International Monetary countries
Given the scale of international Seigniorage root-dependent on the currency in the international monopoly and
Bit. If the country in a monopoly position, net tax receipts Mint certainly considerable. To (
If it is temporary and other internationally acceptable currency tool of competition, he will be a net gain
Reduced accordingly. He is now prisoners forced to pay interest on his debt to lure foreigners
To continue to hold the currency. I (IJ and, in other currencies from the more intense the competition, to foreign
Payment of interest will be higher. The results in fully-funded competition and the free flow of
BU situation, the International Monetary the issue of the Mint may be difficult to get a net tax receipts. Cohen
(1971) 196) r1969 pounds in the relationship between the net tax revenue for the Mint experience measurement
Examination. Found that the Commissioner of the Commissioner of pounds from the international use of Coining net gain of zero income tax.
A1 fiber (1964) that the United States from the United States and the international use of Wu won the Mint profits tax
(Revenue advantage), as the United States gold stocks (as of a foreign official institutions held by the US-Wu
The support of assets) an increase in the number I (IJ BU down. Despite the advantages of income in the absolute quantity of very
, Who leaves for the United States, the GNP is smaller. If a reserve currency countries
- Wood (to reduce the depreciation of the freedom, independence or on the domestic economic policies additional constraint) of
When the big advantages of income must be sufficiently important to achieve a balance to maintain the reserve currency of the country
Status, it appears to be impossible. Bergsten (1975) also believe that the world-wood market
In particular, the internationalization of blowing Chau the development of bond markets has been the erosion of U.S. companies access to
Mint of any tax, as the world currency markets, international banks has been eroded by the
Mint in the same tax. With the wind blowing and the money market Chau Island on the bond market competition
Yi intensified, the United States with the Mint tax revenue will be more small, and constantly drop Bu I (IJ is not
Continue to increase.
Trejos and Wright (1995 1996) through the mechanism of the bargain prices, JI
To discuss the currency seizure model, the purchasing power of money and f rate, they found that the
The occasion of foreign currency in the country more than the purchasing power, and the International Monetary than in non -
Have greater purchasing power abroad. This conclusion can explain some of purchasing power parity failure.
PPP theory, when prices into the same currency, the rich countries increasingly
To at a higher price, the price of their (the United States than in accordance with the measurement of purchasing power parity Top Model
The much lower. The review found the model Wu explained that the United States as an international currency use,
In the United States should be a higher price, which means lower domestic price levels. Intuitive
That an acceptable and mobility to the model of the value of the currency, in foreign countries can
Acceptance and increase its liquidity in the domestic value.
4. Conclusion
A scholar from the West of the study in the literature it is not difficult to find: 1, is the international currency
The outcome of market choice, I (IJ market conditions, including the choice of a powerful political I (IJ stability,
Economies of scale, international trade, investment, market share, the developed financial markets, currency
The stability and value of products such as the degree of difference. 2, only a few currencies at the same time they can
Multiple lines of a private and official functions, the currency of a country in the world and the status of the country
Integrated international competitiveness is closely related. z of the international currency of a country will not only bring the country
Wood will return to success. The higher the currency's international status, will be the currency of international
More of income, take the smaller wood into the international status of the lower international currency
Into the wood may be higher than the receipts. West of an international monetary theory is for our research and
International awareness of the renminbi is to provide a useful Kai not. RMB internationalization of the Progressive
Cheng has been started, how to learn from the West edge on the basis of a theory, and take a suitable China
RMB internationalization of the characteristics of the road, we urgently need to study the subject.
I refer to the text with:
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第2个回答  2008-05-03
上面的人写了什么古怪的东西??? 没有意义。

mordenization 你写错了,
应该是 modernisation