








2, cognitive strategies

Chinese students often use cognitive strategies. Cognitive strategy is to learn the basic strategy of system strategy, the role of information for effective teaching identify, understand, maintain, extraction and utilization. For example: the use of Chinese as the basis to understand English (translation), a conscious application of rules to understand English grammar (interpretation); through the familiar image, phrase or position of the new information and memory linked to the concept of the image (Image); will be the word Or phrase on meaningful to understand the language units (Context of) the use of their previous knowledge of the language and concepts to promote new knowledge of the language of learning (conversion); use of existing information to guess Meaning, predicted or fill Information (reasoning). These cognitive strategies to promote the use of raising the level of English, it is undoubtedly very important. That those who do have cognitive strategies » "On the stage of basic education curriculum standards in English ideas" in the cognitive strategies are summarized as follows:

(1) in the classroom focus on student learning classes is the main channel, and learn foreign languages, the key is to make every effort to learn the things to remember, when necessary applications easily. So high school to focus on.

(2) good at doing classroom notes, "a good memory as rotten written" Kenei brief notes can help focus attention, and straighten out the ideas, enhance memory, the exercise of categorization, general and comprehensive rapid response capability.

(3) to link the old and new knowledge. In the course of study at the help of visual cues, and other non-language information.

(4) with Lenovo linked to the relevant knowledge. On the information obtained by the effective separation and storage.

(5) the use of reasoning, logic and other means to summarize. Note that the language law.

(9) using a simple tool for finding information. Through libraries, access to information networks, and other resources.
第1个回答  2008-05-08
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give you my answer in 3 days.
第2个回答  2008-04-27