
阅读理解。 Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm not going to work. I'm twenty-two. My little brother isn't going to school. He is ten years younger than I am. I'm going to do some shop- ping. My brother is going to do his homework. My parents are going to work. My father is going by bike and my mother by bus. In the aftemoon, I'm going to the park with my brother. We're going on foot. We're coming home at five. My parents are going to get home at half past five. We must help my mother cook the dinner. After supper, I'm going to dance with my friends, and my brother is going to watch TV with my parents. 1. My brother is _____. [ ] A. ten B. twelve C. twenty-two D. thirty-two 2. My father is going to work _____. [ ] A. by bike B. by subway C. by bus D. on foot 3. My brother and I _____ to the park in the afternoon. [ ] A. are driving B. are riding C. are walking D. are flying 4. My father and mother are coming back at _____, [ ] A. 7:30 B. 4:30 C. 6:30 D. 5:30 5. I'm going to dance _____. [ ] A. at 6:30 B. at 7:30 C. after 7:30 D. after supper

第1个回答  2013-01-31
1-5  BACDD

麻烦老师解答:阅读理解. 阅读理解. Korean culture is really exciting...
1-4 BCDD,5,麻烦老师解答:阅读理解.阅读理解. Korean culture is really exciting right now. The Korean Wave is sweeping Asian countries including China. Young people are going crazy about Korean pop songs and the Korean language. The Korean Wave started a few years ago with the TV...

麻烦老师解答:阅读理解。 ⑴
回答:1、布局、配合、映衬、层次  2、务必使游览者无论站在哪个点上,眼前总是一幅完美的图画;图画;这也是为了取得从各个角度看都成一幅画的效果。  3、总分;攀登时忘却苏州城市,只觉得身在山间;还在那儿布置几块玲珑的石头或种些花草。 4、苏州园林中假山和池沼的配合显示出艺术美。   5、“...

麻烦老师解答:阅读理解。 ①
回答:1.(1)奔走效劳;(2)所以(因此) 2.受任于败军之际,奉命于危难之间。 3.北定中原、攘除奸凶、兴复汉室、还于旧都。 4.三顾茅庐;临崩寄臣大事;表达感念先帝的知遇之恩,忠于刘氏父子的真挚感情。 5.祁山;孟获;孙吴;曹魏;收取东川,西川;摆设八卦阵图

回答:1-3: C B D


麻烦老师解答:阅读理解。 M
回答:1-5: BCACD

回答:1-4: BDDC

回答:1-4: DCBC

麻烦老师解答:阅读理解 We
回答:1-4 DABA

回答:(1)新特点:工人运动出现了国际联合的趋势。实现:成为各国工人阶级斗争的领导中心。在各国建立支部,推动工人运动的发展;支持各国工人罢工并取得圆满的结果;领导英国工人的选举改革运动,推动英国民主进程;发扬国际主义精神,组织各国工人支持波兰和爱尔兰人民争取民族独立的斗争。 (2)不同点:前者由各国工人...
