

第1个回答  2012-12-27
Myopia has gradually become a common phenomenon, mostly because of hereditary factors, which, however are not the only reason for myopia. Another major reason that causes myopia is found in the modern lifestyle of people, that people have stayed longer and longer indoors where there are only artificial light sources. Researchers believe that outdoor lighting can help maitain the distance accurately between chlidren's crystalline lenses and irises, unlike indoor lighting. Therefore, when children stay a long time indoors, they will be unable to define the distance between objects and their eyes, for the distance between their crystalline lenses and irises will be longer. To be exact, they will fail to see objects that are far from them clearly. In conclusion, (这句话没看懂). The previous ability of genes to adapt to new environments is now destroyed by the new system of the modern world, which is also one of the reasons contributing to so many obvious defects. Luckily, there's more than nothing we can do to fight myopia. It is an easy way to encouraging children to carry out more outdoor activities, for instance.

第2个回答  2012-12-26
Myopia is increasingly becoming the common phenomenon in the world, and in the global scope also has the rising trend. Cause myopia is the most important reason genetic factors, but is not the only factor. Myopia growth another primary reason is that modern lifestyle factors: people in indoor artificial light to stay longer. Researchers think that outdoor light can help children in lens and iris maintaining accurate distance. Dark indoor light can't seem to do that. Therefore, when the children in the indoor stay time is very long, lens and iris becomes longer between, you will not be able to accurately distinguish the distance of the object, make the distant objects become fuzzy. In a word, the human got accustomed to the sun vision agile biological mechanism in the new environment, have already deviated from the development track. Before gene can better adapt to the environment has been the ability of the modern world's new status jumbled, this also is many obvious the reasons of the flaw. Fortunately, reduce myopia is not wit's end. Let the children do more outdoor sports is a simple method.