a).Compare the legislative branch of government in your country to that of the U.S. Discuss:
1. How members are elected and how long they serve.
2. What powers the legislative branches have.
3. The advantages and disadvantages of each system.
b). What is the role of political parties in your country compared to political parties in the U.S.?
c). Discuss an important entrepreneur in your country and the contributions he/she has made.
Don't be so sure, did you pay for them when you download?B:付费?没有,还要付费吗?Pay for them? Never, do I need to pay for them?A:确实,当你从网上不付费下载歌曲时,你已经侵犯了别人的版权了 Sure. When you download the songs from the internet without paying for them, ...
楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day...如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!再好的东西,也有失去的一天...
1 pcu\/h=1 客车单位\/小时 手译,部分专业名词有待考证,希望回答对你有帮助
100分请英语高手帮忙翻译一下 不要软件翻译粘帖的
这种高难度的专业文章,您给100分,难怪没有高手问津。上面的回答如出一辙,机器翻译迹象明显。我虽不 是高手,但您应该会满意我的翻译。摘 要 Abstract 随着柴油机技术的不断进步和电控技术的不断完善,柴油机电控系统智能化、模块化的趋势越来越明显。采用通用仪器检测模块的方法已经不能很好的满足检测...
求英语高手来!帮忙一下! 不要网上翻译的!
翻译:We live in a happy life, but the great Liangshan children's life is hard. They are very cold, no clothes to wear. Please donate clothes for them. First, wash clean; time is January 4, 2012to donate clothes, clothes uniform on a Room 316Meeting Hall; can be in the...
2, 37 killed in Italian plane crash.意一飞机坠毁,37人遇难 3, Chinese cooks masters at turning turnip into flower.中国厨师顶呱呱,掌中萝卜雕成花 4, Japanese dash to US to say "I do"日本情侣求浪漫,喜事涌到美国办 楼主这些都是新闻的Headline吧,所以很简洁,有的成分会省略掉,...
to solve problems.创造性思维不但可以增加人类知识的总量,而且也可以提高人类的认识能力。Creative think will increase the total amount of knowledge of mankind while enhancing our cognition.小生才疏学浅,英语专业八级,高级翻译学院在读研究生,如有不妥之处,请不吝赐教,相互学习,相互交流!
急求英语高手 哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下面文章,要手动翻译的 拿翻译软件糊弄...
such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.以上翻译不知道准不准确哦,如果在找不到你想要的译文,也只能寻求翻译公司帮忙了,之前要把建立译成英文的,也是在网上寻求帮助,可是都不准确,后来经一个朋友介绍找到了上海共明翻译,译文的准确度还不错哦,你可以咨询咨询。希望对你有帮助。
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