
Why does a pigeon with an olive branch in its mouth mean peace? The Great Flood (洪水) lasted 150 days. Noah’s family and all the animals were in a big ship. One day, the rain stopped. Noah sent a crow (乌鸦) out of the big ship, but it didn’t come back. Then Noah sent a pigeon, and the pigeon came back after seven days. Noah knew the land was far, far away. Another seven days passed, Noah sent the pigeon out of the big ship again. In the evening the pigeon came back with a green olive branch in its mouth. This time Noah knew that the land was near. He was very pleased. Noah and his family and all the animals got out of the big ship when they reached the land. They build houses and started to farm. Noah had many sons and daughters. The animals and trees all grew up, and the land was colorful again. People think both the pigeon and the olive branch mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life, so they draw a picture of a pigeon with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace.

第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-26