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第1个回答  2008-05-13
(14) housing and public space
1. Party A Party B personnel to provide free housing:

Workers about four square meters per person, but each no more than 12 people.
2. Shelter, including air-conditioning and sanitation equipment, furniture and bedding, and other spare parts.
3. Party B to provide administrative staff used by office equipment (such as typewriters, calculators, copiers, etc.), cleaning equipment and supplies.
(15) to replace staff
1. Party B is responsible for sending good health, skilled and qualified personnel to the scene of Spain, such as the dispatch of the Party that can not be qualified staff, by mutual consent on behalf of the scene, by Party B is responsible for replacement, resulting in costs should be By Party B is responsible for.
2. B must comply with the Act and the Spanish government to respect local customs. If violations of local laws and customs that must be sent back home, by mutual consultation, by Party B is responsible for return airfare from B burden. For alternates staff alternative, then B should be responsible for China's airport for travel to the scene.
3. B staff due to illness and injury, designated as A and B both sides of the doctors really can not continue to prove that workers should return to their original country of residence, and the burden of travel by the Party. Such as substandard physical condition, the doctors confirmed that the two sides, is due to medical negligence Party B, must be returned to their country, their travel should be B burden.
(16) irresistible
1. Due to natural disasters, war, political events, such as force majeure incidents can not continue to work, Party A Party B officers will be responsible for the return of (their original residence) countries.
2. In case the above situation, the Party officers do not retreat, B staff do not retreat, but Party A Party B shall pay to send staff wages.
(17) disputes and arbitration
1. In the implementation of the contract, if both parties in dispute, both sides agreed to resolve through friendly consultations. If consensus is invalid, the defendant may be submitted for arbitration body ruled:

2. A controversial ruling, both sides must be faithfully carried out by the costs incurred by the losing party burden.
(18) and other valid contract
1. ____ In this contract, on ____ ____ ____ signed on.
Since the signing of this contract the two sides to enter into force on the date of the end of this project, by sending personnel to return to (their original residence), as well as the two sides after the failure to settle outstanding accounts.
2. This contract and the annex and engineering, not allowing the other party, any party shall not disclose to a third party.
3. This contract in English and Chinese book, both texts being equally authentic, the two sides of the holders of Two.
4. Matters not of this contract, the two sides can complement and friendly consultations, the two sides agreed to the supplementary provisions of this contract should be an integral part.

Party representatives
B representatives:

第2个回答  2008-05-13
尽力了>.<(aeriallee - 高级魔法师 六级)同学大小写没注意
(14) Housing and public space
1. Party A Party B personnel to provide free housing:

Workers about four square meters per person, but each no more than 12 people.
2. Housing and health, including air-conditioning equipment, furniture and bedding, and other spare parts.
3. B provided by the administrative staff of office equipment (such as typewriters, calculators, copiers, etc.), cleaning equipment and supplies.
(15) To replace staff
1. Party B is responsible for sending good health, skilled and qualified personnel to the scene of Spain, such as the dispatch of the Party that can not be qualified staff, by mutual consent on behalf of the scene, replaced by the responsible party B, thus the cost will be borne by B The responsibility.
2. Party B must comply with the Act and the Spanish government to respect local customs. If violations of local laws and customs that must be sent back home, by mutual consultation, by Party B is responsible for return airfare from B burden. For alternates staff alternative, then B should be responsible for China's airport for travel to the scene.
3. B staff due to illness and injury, designated as A and B both sides of the doctors really can not continue to prove that workers should return to their original country of residence, and the burden of travel by the Party. Such as substandard physical condition, the doctors confirmed that the two sides, is due to medical negligence Party B, must be returned to their country, their travel should be B burden.
(16) Irresistible
1. As natural disasters, war, political events, such as force majeure incidents can not continue to work, Party A Party B officers will be responsible for the return of (their original residence) countries.
2. In case the above situation, the Party officers do not retreat, B staff do not retreat, but Party A Party B shall pay to send staff wages.
(17) Disputes and arbitration
1. In the implementation of the contract, if both parties in dispute, both sides agreed to resolve through friendly consultations. If consensus is invalid, the defendant may be submitted for arbitration body ruled:

2. After a controversial ruling, both sides must be faithfully carried out by the costs incurred by the losing party burden.
(18) And other valid contract
1. The contract was on ____ ____ ____ years in ____ signed.
Since the signing of this contract the two sides to enter into force on the date of the end of this project, by sending personnel to return to (their original residence), as well as the two sides after the failure to settle outstanding accounts.
2. This contract and the annex and engineering, not allowing the other party, any party shall not disclose to a third party.
3. This contract in English and Chinese book, both texts being equally authentic, the two sides of the holders of Two.
4. This contract outstanding issues, the two sides can complement and friendly consultations, the two sides agreed to the supplementary provisions of this contract should be an integral part.

Party representatives
B representatives:
