
我很急啊, 没积分了,愿意给10元现金鼓励下, 绝对不要机器翻译的,要成真的英文高手。 谢谢




你妈的。。占个位置。 搞些鬼东西老子自己不会搞还要在这里来问。

第1个回答  2008-05-15
Industrial age's product characteristic is by “the atom” form existence; Information age's product characteristic has introduced “the bit” form existence. “the atom” is materiality, “bit” right and wrong materiality. Therefore, must limit a product whether is the information product or the digital product, is mainly looks in this product whether to have “the bit” saves the form. For instance the computer, the digital camera, MP3 and so on are the digital products. Traditional furniture, domestic electric appliances, recreation thing and transportation vehicle, once has joined “the bit” the element, will demonstrate digitized and the intellectualized characteristic, also will become “the numerical code” the product. before the modern times, the fashion usually refers to at that time most popular dressing up. But in material civilization highly developed today, the fashionable connotation and the extension is vaster, in the clothing, lives, domains and so on computer, music, life style to be possible to see the fashion the form. The fashion already became in the modern society an indispensable part, not only it is enriching people's material culture life, moreover to economical development promoter action. “the fashionable digital product” this concept has both the fashionable characteristic which and the information age digitized characteristic asks to strive for changes newly, the typical example is MP3, MP4. Because just the fashion variable characteristic causes the fashionable numerical code produce market to renew is getting quicker and quicker, causes the fashionable digital product the design to grasp with difficulty. This article through these comparative analysis research, the attempt makes to the fashionable digital product tendency and the design method overall research. Looks for the recessive intrinsic essence and the relation from the dominant market phenomenon, ever in the unstable factor looks for the stable factor, found the eternal element from the instable special characteristic, acted according to these factors to instruct the fashionable digital product again the design, will provide certain scientific basis for the next fashionable numerical code product design


另一组名为Archizoom事务所,提请他们灵感来自超现实主义,幻想家具设计和有远见的环境中摆脱目前的当务之急在设计与消费主义和戚室内运动场的风格? 他们的同时代人Superstudio ,拒绝的想法,设计环境,提出了一个空房间,让居民最大限度的灵活性。 憛继续设计的家具,物品,以及类似的家居用品并不是解决问题的生活,也不是...

工业设计一般翻译为Industrial Design, 产品设计一般翻译为Product Design。国内的艺术学院对这两个概念常有争论,至少在选择专业名称英文翻译的时候,常有工业设计大于产品设计的主张出现。因为从中文表述的角度来说,产品应该是从属于工业化生产的,所以很多艺术大专院校的工业设计系所用英文表述都是Industrial...


In the industrial design plan figure figure in English how to say English how to say 问题六:工业设计专业英语 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下啊 【您这个太长,翻译一段好了。】High contrast beween shadow and light can create confusion and disorientating patterns for those with failing ...

I major in industrial design, I just don't dislike it, not to say like it.interest: figure photography, especially wedding photography-although I have never done it; dress design--I just cut out my own clothes.everybody should knows about shangri-la, shangri-la in March is ...

1,昆虫不是地球的被控着,而是地球的掌控着。一名生物学家解释:这就是世界有如此多的臭虫的原因。2·成功的设计 他们把令人惊奇的精致复杂的设计元素组合在一起,在结构和功能两方面,使得他们很好的在此环境之中生存。毫无疑问的说:错误的规则,目前有对于男人,女人,孩子来说有,200百万的昆虫。1...

工业设计的外文翻译 分析一份吧
工业设计是一种实用的艺术,即美学与实用性的产品,可改进为市场价值和生产。一个工业设计师,就是要创造者和执行设计解决方案,对设计的工程,行销,品牌的开发和销售。定义工业设计 国际投资争端解决中心(工业设计国际理事会社团):“设计是一种创造性的活动,其目的就是要建立多层面的素质的对象,...

图示思考与表达 Graphic Thinking and Presentation 对这个课程名称不太理解,如果你们是学的图形符号所代表的含义,那用一个专有名词好一些:Semiotics 色彩设计及原理 Color Design and Theories 产品设计 Product Design 环境设施设计及原理 Environmental Facilities Design and Principles 展示设计及原理 ...

