
我们经常看到学校门口交通堵塞,究其原因是家长在接送孩子,最近,某网络论坛的“Your Opinions"栏目提出了一个讨论话题“为什么家长热衷于接送孩子上学”你打算参加这个讨论,请写一篇120词左右的英语作文,分析家长热衷于接送孩子的原因,并就此现象发表自己的看法

第1个回答  2013-04-07
Why parents like picking up their child to school?

We often see traffic jams at the school gate and the reason is that parents are picking up their child.Now children just like parents hand heart treasure, because most are only children. And most of their parents are working outside, so just leave the child in the child's grandma and grandpa. However, because grandpa and grandma afraid of parents of the children said they didn't take care of good children,So all day and night worried about child,of course picking up their child to school.That's because grandpa and grandma don't rest assured the safety of the children,they aways think that this is their responsibility.I think parents should pick up their child in order,because the traffic jams are tough for cars and people. All good as long as they obey the traffic.