
1) Our transfer agreement with the Fleming College University Transfer Program is strictly for this program and you may not transfer credits from other institutions. If you choose not to complete the Fleming transfer program, you will forgo any possible transfer credits from that program. (我特别搞不懂最后的“that program”指的是什么program,是指other institution的program还是fleming的program)

2) We will review credits for possible transfer equivalency from accredited post-secondary institutions for courses that can be counted towards a academic credits in a degree or diploma at that institution. If you were to take 5 courses, you could receive up to 2.5 Trent credits, equal to one semester of study.(这句话的前面半句特别不懂)

1) Our transfer agreement with the Fleming College University Transfer Program is strictly for this program and you may not transfer credits from other institutions. If you choose not to complete the Fleming transfer program, you will forgo any possible transfer credits from that program. (我特别搞不懂最后的“that program”指的是什么program,是指other institution的program还是fleming的program)

我个人理解 如下:
that program:Our transfer agreement with the Fleming College University

2) We will review credits for possible transfer equivalency from accredited post-secondary institutions for courses that can be counted towards a academic credits in a degree or diploma at that institution. If you were to take 5 courses, you could receive up to 2.5 Trent credits, equal to one semester of study.(这句话的前面半句特别不懂)
We will review credits
credits for possible transfer equivalency
possible transfer equivalency from accredited post-secondary institutions for courses
courses that can be counted towards a academic credits in a degree or diploma at that institution.追问



可以修,但是如果你到其他学校有同样的课程而且你在fleming获得学分,按照协议,fleming 不会出具证明你已经获得学分, 所以要重修

建议你直接咨询fleming ,以免我根据文章推敲出来错误的解释.

第1个回答  2013-04-04
指 fleming
就是说 他们会审一下你要转的学分 是不是来自认证的教育机构 有没有资质转分追问



意思是如果你不完成那个programme, 你将失去在那个program 获得的所有可能转的学分
第二句是如果你要修5门课 你可以最多得到一学期学分

第2个回答  2013-04-04
我们的大学转换计划仅适用于本次与Fleming 学院之间所达成的协议,不可从其他院校转换学分。不完成Fleming大学转换课程计划就不能从该项目转换任何学分。