
1、As we have known so far, though we see a very rich and strong America today, that continent, especially the South, has gone through many hard times. How did it deal with its troubled past and acquire so many chievements? Let’s take Atlanta for a closer look.
3、Martin Luther King, Jr., born in Atlanta, was one of the greatest leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s
and 1960s. He fought for equal rights for African Americans hrough marches, boycotts, speeches, writings, and nonviolent protests.
4、Segregation was a system that kept white and black people apart. It was primarily used in the American South. Blacks had to use separate schools, hospitals, and restrooms from whites. Here, a black man is ordered out of a “whites only” waiting room.
5、Many people who lost their jobs during the Great Depression had to do whatever they could. This man is selling apples on the street.
The Great Depression left millions of Americans in poverty. This photo of a sad man in a bread line is a symbol of this difficult period in United States history.
6、In 1861, the first year of the American Civil War, 11 slave states (states that allowed slavery) broke away from the Union to form the Confederacy. Some slave states chose to stay in the Union. The Union also included free states and free territories (which did not allow slavery).
7、After the USA was founded, there were still many problems in the country. In the 1800s, the Northern states and Southern states were very different. The Northern states were industrial. The Southern states focused more on farming. Slaves from Africa tended the fields and picked the cotton.
Northern states had stopped slavery, and many Northerners believed that slavery should be removed in all states.
11、George Washington led the fight against the British in the American Revolution. When the war was over in 1783, the colonies were free from Britain. With independence came a new nation, the United States of America.
9、In the 1830s, the United States government forced large groups of Native Americans to move away from their old hunting grounds onto poor land, Indian Territory. This territory later became part of the state of Oklahoma. The march to Indian Territory became known among the Cherokee people as the Trail of Tears.
10、They brought much hardship to Native Americans such as European diseases, which swept the continent. Many Native Americans died from these diseases before they even saw the newcomers.
And greed, wars…
11、Native Americans who lived near the Great Lakes often fished by torchlight. The light drew fish to the surface of the water, which then could be caught with spears.

第1个回答  2006-04-08
第2个回答  2006-04-08
和楼上的 有同感,文章太长了阿---