

第1个回答  2013-08-15
酒店英语:餐饮服务英语口语1.What kind of food do you prefer?2.Do you like Chinese food?3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American?4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ?5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack?6.What would you have for dinner?7.What would you like to order?8.Have you ordered yet?9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later.10.What would you recommend?11.What's your today’s special?12.I would like to have something simple.13.What will you have for dessert?14.We are in a hurry.15.Please rush your orders.16.The beefsteak is very good today.17.I will take the beefsteak.18.How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare?19.I would like my beefsteak well done.20.How about a drink?21.Bottoms up!22.To your health!23.I ask you to join me in drinking to the health of Mr.Chen.24.I ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation25.I'm looking for a cheap place to eat.26.Is there a restaurant near here?27.Can you recommend me a good restaurant?28.Is there a Chinese restaurant in this town?29.Can you show me a restaurant where they serve good food at reasonable prices?30.How is service? . I want to reserve a room for two hundred people to hold a dinner party.   我想预定一间能容纳二百人的宴会厅举行晚宴。  2. I'm sorry we are booked out for this evening.  抱歉,今晚订满了。  3. When do you start to serve dinner in the evening? (When is the restaurant open for breakfast?)  你们什么时候供应晚餐?(几点供应早餐?)  4. When are the restaurant hours?  餐厅营业时间几点到几点?  5. But I prefer a table by the window. My wife loves the night view of Shijiazhuang.  但是我想要一个靠近窗户的桌子。我爱人喜欢看石家庄的夜景。  6. I'm sorry,。 The tables by the window are all occupied.  对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有人了。  7.This is "Century Hotel". Good morning. May I help you?  早安,这里是世纪大酒店。能为您效劳吗?  8. We have received many bookings and I cannot guarantee a table by the window.  我们已接到许多预定,因而无法向您保证能有一个靠窗的桌子。  9.You can be sure that we'll try our best.  请相信我们会尽最大努力的。  10. Thank you for calling, sir. We look forward to your visit.  谢谢您的电话,我们盼望着您的光临。  New words and expressions  reserve v. 预定  hold v 容纳  book v 订购  view n. 景色  occupy v. 占满  guarantee v. 保证  look forward to 盼望