
at first in english,i found life a bit boring.no friends,no hanging-out,no fun.but then i joined the barn,a group which helps people make (ffriend) in cambridge.my life became colourful.
the barn (takes)place on every wednesday night in a church.it's like a party with people from(ddifferent)countimes.every week,there is a topic.sometimes we learn traditional dances.once we learned about pancakes;once about chocolate.we (played)games with food;for example,we once built a"castle".sometimes there is an international quiz Party。we have to (answer)questions aboutdifferent parts of the world。we also had a chinese and japanese evening.one time,my mom joined us for a tea-tasting party

第1个回答  2013-08-18
第一次在英国,我发现生活有些无聊。没有朋友,没有闲逛也不快乐。但是当我参加了一个barn,它是一个在剑桥帮助人们交朋友的地方。我的生活也变得多彩了。the barn 在教堂的每个星期四的晚上开始。它象是一个来自不同国家的人的一个派对。每个周都会有一个主题,有时候我们了解一些传统的舞蹈。一次我们学了一种布特煎饼,一次是关于巧克力,我们用食物来玩游戏;比如,一次我们 建了一个城堡。有时这里将会有一个国际化的恶作剧派对。我们必须回答来自不同世界不同地方的问题。我们同样还有中国朋友和日本朋友。有一次,我妈妈为了一个品茶派对而加入了我们。 没什么问题吧应该。就是第一句,可能是england额