

第1个回答  2015-11-13
I think a healthy diet is to eat good morning,noon to eat,to eat less at night.In the morning general milk,eggs,bread,meat and vegetables at noon,at night to eat less,porridge,is a good choice.Eat more grains,grain often accompany,will achieve a balanced diet.Eat to eat 7 full,do not overeat,eat to eat slowly,helps digestion.Fruit is a good choice,generally in the morning to eat the best,early is gold!Anteprandial drink a bowl of soup,after dinner to service you do not eat,eat fruit after a meal,will increase the burden on the stomach.Not conducive to good health.I was in accordance with the above method,the body more healthy,also lost 10 kilos.Slimming health two.本回答被网友采纳