
前几天R2Beat更新看到您的作品《see you》,您要离开R2Beat了吗?您的作品一路更新到今天已经陪伴我3年了,有点不舍。R2Beat里的作品打算公开出售吗?我会买来收藏!我只听过《the war》和《일어나 할수있어!》的完整OST版本,立体声效果真的令人陶醉,我喜欢您的钢琴乐!希望以后能听到您更多的音乐作品,我会继续支持您!祝您的前程一帆风顺!


第1个回答  2013-07-27
R2Beat update a few days ago to see your work "see you", would you like to leave the R2Beat? Your work to update all the way to accompany me 3 years, today is a little bit. Work plan to public sale in R2Beat? I will buy collection! I only heard "the war" and "? ? ? ? ? ? ?!" OST full version, stereo effect is really fascinating, I like your piano music! Hope I can hear you more music works, I will continue to support you! Wish you the very best of luck in your future plain sailing!
第2个回答  2013-07-27
A few days before the R2Beat update to see your work "see you", you will leave R2Beat? You work all the way to update today has been with me for 3 years, a bit reluctant. R2Beat works to public sale? I will buy the collection! I only heard "the war" and 《일어나 할수있어!》 the full version of OST, stereo effect really intoxicated, I love your piano music! I hope to hear more of your music, I will continue to support you! I wish your future everything is going smoothly!本回答被提问者采纳