
近几十年:能不能写成in recent ten years,不能的话该怎么写
通过积极参加各种学校活动,他的社交技能有了很大的提升(take an active part in doing sth)
这让我非常高兴的是我在英语上取得了很大的进步(to one‘s great delight)

第1个回答  2014-04-20
……近十年吧?就算是近十年,也应该是in last ten years。当然楼上decade也对。不过这就是有点大的词了。
几十这个说法,著实令人费心。英语里很少用这麼模糊的说词,非要说有的话,也是dozens of
第2个回答  2014-04-20
通过积极参加各种学校活动,他的社交技能有了很大的提升 For decades, he has been taking an active part in all kinds of campus activites. Therefore, he made a great progress in communication skills.

这让我非常高兴的是我在英语上取得了很大的进步To my great delight, I improved so much in my English learning.
第3个回答  2014-04-20
In recent decades
2.His social skills have improved a lot by take an active part in activities at school.

3.To my great delight,I made great progress in English.
第4个回答  2014-04-20
in the last decades
By taking an active part in various school activities, his social skills have improved a lot.
It is to my great delight that I have made great progress in English.本回答被提问者采纳