

第1个回答  2013-06-10
training employee is a real estate agent for human resource management work an important link, is an important link in attracting and retaining employees. Talent frequent flow to real estate intermediary enterprises gradually realize the talents, competition between enterprises has become the largest real estate intermediary companies have through the employee training improve employee job satisfaction to reduce staff turnover as a major issue. The current This study through case study of ZhaoBao real estate company, with questionnaire and interview research two main way ZhaoBao correlation real estate company staff training and job satisfaction. Use of EXCEL of the training courses for employees demand and satisfaction degree, and employees to work overall satisfaction survey results of data analysis. The final results show that the staff training and the correlation between job satisfaction is very significant. Satisfaction and company's staff training and job satisfaction is not high, so in order to promote real estate agent training, puts forward the corresponding suggestion, in order to improve the employee satisfaction as the goal, make training really become the welfare of the employees, to achieve the ultimate goal of stable employees.
第2个回答  2013-06-10
上面那位是上有道翻译的 应该是不对的 很多语法错误
第3个回答  2013-06-10